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Special Interest Groups

The great strength of dowsing in the UK is that it includes the work of networks of dowsers devoted to a particular topic. Some groups conform to the classical image of Special Interest 'Groups', being a coming together of dowsers around a dowsing topic for mutual benefit, teaching, etc.  Some are based outside the UK and operate more as research groups.  Others are concerned with a dowsing topic and are more exploratory.

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Aerial Archaeology Research Group

Not a dowsing group but may well be of interest. See

Archaeology Research Group

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Please visit) https://www.HADS Home (

Dowsing Research Group

Earth Energies Re-Ignited

The special interest groups formed a very important part of The British Society of Dowsers. They not only catered for the experienced dowser, but were also there to help those starting out on the journey.

The focus of the recently established Earth Energies Reignited group is to continue that important work.

Earth energies affect us all in so many different ways, from geopathic stress, to the energising of many of the sacred sites around the world. They are continuously changing, partly due to the affect of human consciousness and at other times because of man’s physical interaction with the planet.

It is the aim of the group to hold at least two meetings a year, bringing a variety of experienced speakers together incorporating a range of practical dowsing sessions over the weekends.
The group is headed by Adrian Incledon-Webber, who ran the Earth Energies and Healing Groups for the BSD. He is also a past Vice-President.

He can be reached via email:
Or by telephone: 01748 822 634

Earth Energies Zoom Meetings

We are a friendly group of dowsers, with an interest in earth energies, who get together on Zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm. Usually, one or two members will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.

The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.

If you would like to join us, please let me have your name and email address. I will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notes or presentations that are circulated to participants.

The International Association of Health Dowsers

Main Contact: Jane Court



The International Association of Health Dowsers was formed especially for therapists, energy and health workers who use dowsing or would like to use dowsing skills to support their work.

Initially the need for an organisation became apparent after Jane Court and Keith Harmon, a former chair of the British Society of Dowsers (BSD) Health SIG, were approached by members of the BSD and the association of Energy Therapists (AET) to form an association catering for health dowsers.

The two organisations, whilst serving dowsers and therapists independently. did not specifically address requirements for health dowsing therapists.

The IAHD is a network and hub for therapists, energy and health workers using dowsing for health purposes. The aim is to share knowledge and news pertaining to dowsing and health via the media, association bulletins or newsletters and by holding annual conferences and networking events. The IAHD have also been hosting monthly online meetings with a variety of guest speakers that haveh elped maintain continuity throughout the recent pandemic.

To help facilitate its aims, the IAHD is affiliated to the BSD.

The association is run by volunteers to ensure a neutral, democratic approach and not be influenced by commercial gain. It is run by members for members. The IAHD is chaired by Jane Court known to many as a former vice chair of the BSD Health SIG along with being a former trustee, Vice President and Treasurer of the BSD. To find out more about the IAHD, please contact Jane at

Updated December 2024

The Spirituality Special Interest Group

There are two groups of this name. One is run by Kate Smart, and the other by the British Society of Dowsers.

The (Kate Smart) group meets once a month virtually on Zoom. This platform allows people from all over the UK and beyond to meet in a safe space and discuss topics related to spirituality. It costs nothing to join! But we are a reciprocal group and enjoy hearing from members about their own spiritual quest/enthusiasms and insights and there is always time to discuss and share. As we charge nothing to join we rely on members to make ‘guest’ presentations occasionally. It’s a safe and friendly environment for you to talk about your own journey and how you have become the person that you are today.

If you would like to join this group please contact for further information.

The mailing goes out once a month about a week before our regular meeting with the link for the forthcoming meeting.

Water Divining Special Interest Group

Water divining/dowsing is always in demand but we have few people willing to take up the fascinating challenges it presents.

Due to various past problems with the BSD, it was decided to run a separate organisation, which is the

It is made up of people with proven ability who charge proper fees for the services that they offer. Some are in the BSD and others are not . There are also one or two others out there who could probably be included but for various reasons prefer not to apply.

We do not have anyone with the time to start a BSD SIG group for water, So, if someone wants to volunteer please step forward. We could do with some help.

John Baker
Water Dowsing Special
Interest Group

Ann & Steve Dawson (You can put my name down to run Talks & Workshops on Water Dowsing around the UK.)

'Life is not about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain'

Telephone: 07899 814264 Email:
Facebook: Dowsing Anglia
Dowsing Anglia Website:

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