Local Dowsing Groups
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please click the "Submit Group" button and fill in the form.
Cheltenham Dowsers
Ken Sheather
Email: KenSheather@gmail.com
Tel: 01242 231231
Website: http://www.cheltenhamdowsers.weebly.com
Cheshire Dowsers
We meet every other month, mainly in Frodsham. This is a new but very active group. If you are interested in joining us, contact me to add you to the WhatsApp group or join Cheshire Dowsers Chat on Facebook
Chris Quartermaine
Tel : 07921783184
Gower Investigations and Dowsing Group
Updated December 2024
History: 2017 to present.
The group was founded by former British Society of Dowsers President Graham Wayt.
Orientation: Training onsite and field trips, speakers and collaboration with other dowsing groups.
Interests: Water, Earth Energies, Health,
Practical Applications, Map Dowsing, Remote Dowsing and Remote Viewing.
Investigations have included identifying and receiving healing in the appropriate section of the stone circle at The Gower Heritage Centre erected by Ken Church, (at the time owner of the Centre) in co-operation with the famous Jack Temple (healer).
Mesolithic footprints on a local beach, the earth energies emanating from Arthur's Stone at the summit of Cefn Bryn, various dowsing activities around the Cotswold – Severn Burial Chamber at Park Le Breos, identifying the earth energies around the stone circles and monolith at Mynydd /Llangyndeirne near Pontyberem, Carmarthenshire, Promoting dowsing in general at public events and responding to requests for assistance.
Programme for 2025
January – Indoor training (map dowsing using OS Maps plus Google Earth).
February – Zoom talk by Dr. Nick Haywood
March – Field Trip to Oystermouth Castle, Mumbles, Swansea
Meeting: every second Sunday at Friends of the Young Disabled, 300 Carmarthen Road, Cwmbwrla, Swansea, SA5 8NJ.
Please check with the organisers beforehand. We welcome all abilities and interests. Dowsing tools are available.
Richard Fry
Sue Mann
email: watersourcer@yahoo.com
The British Society of Dowsers YouTube Channel
Hampshire Archaeology
Website: https://www.HADS.uk
Webmaster : chris.sellen@ntlworld.com
Don Bryan, 59 Viking Way, Horndean, Hampshire PO8 0HT
Lewes Dowsing Group
Updated December 2024
Lewes dowsers are run under the auspices of Lewes U3A, and the group is led by Grace and Andrew Edgar. We meet on the last Thursday of the month, 10 to 12, in Lewes Town Hall. To join the group, you must be a member of Lewes U3A (and for details of joining, see https://www.lewesu3a.uk/Joinlewesu3a).
The group is open to dowsers of all levels of experience, and we try to cover all the major applications of dowsing. Potential members who are new to dowsing are offered a one to one session with Grace or Andrew Edgar, who will run through the basic ideas and applications of dowsing, and will help the novice dowser develop their skills with pendulum and rods.
In our meetings we strive to combine talk and discussion of dowsing topics with practical exercises. In 2024 we ran a sequence of sessions exploring water dowsing, earth energy dowsing, and now we are looking at healing (both of people and buildings).
Weather permitting, especially over the summer months, we try to meet outside to dowse on site in Lewes. We also hold additional meetings for field trips, sometimes a little further afield. We have, for example, visited Firle Beacon on the South Downs. Over the summer of 2025 we organised a substantial project, exploring and mapping the major earth energy and water lines in Lewes. This involved a series of small sub-groups working to record and experience the lines. The results , which are being written up for publication in the BSD’s magazine, Dowsing Today, were rich and surprising.
In January 2025 we will being a series of meetings devoted to archaeological dowsing. Anyone who can conveniently get to the meetings is welcome. You don’t have to live in Lewes to join us.
London and Thameside Dowsers
Updated January 2025
Explore the Mysteries of Dowsing – Join London Dowsers Thriving Community!
Are you intrigued by the mysteries of Divining, Healing, Earth Energies, Radionics, Psychometry, and more? Join London and Thameside Dowsers, a thriving community with over 25 years of passion for exploring these fascinating subjects.
With vibrant membership and top-notch speakers, we offer engaging events at two convenient venues—Mile End (East London) and Richmond (Surrey). Both locations host lively, enriching meetings every other month, featuring 9–11 diverse speakers annually. Whether you’re drawn to academic depth or esoteric discussions, there’s something for everyone.
Both venues are easy to get to and pub lunches are available
Further details are on the website (address at bottom)
Since COVID, we’ve welcomed a younger, dynamic group of members eager to share and expand their knowledge. By joining, you’ll connect with a friendly, welcoming network of like-minded individuals, united by their interest in the unseen world.
Membership Benefits
• Unbeatable Value: Access both venues for just £20 a year.
• Stay Informed: Receive exclusive updates via our newsletter and website.
• Learn from the Best: Attend talks by leading experts.
• Sharpen Your Skills: Develop techniques with hands-on practice.
• Build Connections: Network with experienced dowsers.
• Save Money: Enjoy discounts on workshops and events.
• Explore Together: Join field trips to sacred sites.
• Collaborate and Create: Take part in group projects and workshops.
• Grow with Guidance: Gain mentorship from seasoned members.
• Be Recognised: Share your expertise as a speaker or contributor.
Contact Info: John Baker
Email: j.baker864@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.londondowsers.org
Tel: 01322 525 975
Malvern Dowsers
We are a vibrant group of dowsing explorers with a programme of talks, workshops and site visits during 2024. Some of our dowsing highlights this year include Maria Wheatley talking about the ‘Priests of the Stones’, Phil Cope on ‘ Borderlands to another world’ and Veda Austin’s talk and book signing, ‘Living Language of Water’.
For full details of our busy programme visit www.malverndowsers.com and our social media, Facebook and Instagram @malverndowsers.
Monthly meetings with live speakers and activities are held on the third Wednesday of the month at Christchurch church hall in Avenue Road, Great Malvern WR14 3AY at 7 p.m. Malvern Dowsers also run members' Zoom sessions (speakers and interactive tuition).
Middlesex & Surrey Archaeological Dowsing (MASAD)
Updated December 2024
MASAD stands for the Middlesex and Surrey Archaeology Dowsers, which was established in 1970.
Over the years, an experienced group of Dowsers, interested in history, set up a special interest group, dowsing for missing historic sites.
We meet up once a month in a pub, or on a specific site location, which is confirmed to members, closer to the date. We also occasionally go on trips to relevant places of interest, as well.
In our early days we dowsed in the grounds of Westminster Abbey, Southwark Cathedral, and National Trust properties.
Some visits have been a little different, for example, dowsing for the long since gone, "whistling Oyster" pub, off London's Drury Lane, or for the location of an unmarked Plague Pit.
This year we have visited the site of a Georgian Cock Pit, and in St.James's Park we were looking for a Roman Road. We also dowsed for some missing tunnels in Hackney, and we looked for a Jousting site in Richmond, Surrey.
New members who are able to dowse using L and/or V rods, are always welcome to join in our explorations.
Briefings are given before we start the dowsing, in order to give the background to the location, and guidance on what you will be doing.
The membership fee for MASAD is £10 per annum.
Beginners with no dowsing experience, should contact The British Society of Dowsers, on: info@britishdowsers.org
To find out more about MASAD, please phone Mr Keith Harmon: 0753 836 34679
January 2025 and February 2025 dates, to be confirmed.
Norfolk and Suffolk Dowsers
Sue Pine
Norfolk and Suffolk Dowsers | Facebook
Ridings Dowsers
Mike Barwell
Email: mtbarwell@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.ridingsdowsers.com
Tel: 078604 59650
Slimbridge Dowsing Group
Updated December 2024
Main Contact: Rob Gerrish
Check out our website for more information: https://slimbridgedowsers.group
To access the website pages there is a multiline button at the top of the page and also a page navigation list in the page footer.
Email Addresses: contact@slimbridgedowsers.group , chairperson@slimbridgedowsers.group and secretary@slimbridgedowsers.group
Rob Gerrish manages the contact mailbox which is the primary contact
Teresa manages the chairperson mailbox
Suzanne manages the secretary mailbox
This could all change on Dec 14th as the roles for committee members are up for grabs at our annual general meeting.
The meetings are held in local halls in the Slimbridge area and vary.
Meeting venues are on the event listing.
We also publish a quarterly Newsletter which can be accessed from our Library page. The older editions of our Newsletter are available at the bottom of that page.
The next issue of the Newsletter is to be published for the next meeting on the 14th Dec.
We also have a facebook group page
Somerset Dowsers
Updated December 2024
Introduction to Dowsing Course
Sunday 23rd February 2025, 10am for 10.30am - 4pm
Creech St Michael Village Hall, Ryesland Way, TA3 5QQ
Numbers limited to 18
Cost £40
We are delighted that experienced and skilful dowser Gwynn Paulett has
offered to lead this full day course.
Gwynn learnt to dowse by attending the courses run by BSD in the 1990s led
by Dr Patrick MacManaway and John Moss. Although he water dowsed in the
USA and had a borehole successfully drilled, Gwynn chose not to pursue his
interest in water dowsing, living on a chalk aquifer at the time, where water
was readily available.
Most of the dowsing work he undertakes these days involves house and land
clearing. He is committed to passing on his experience and knowledge to
other dowsers, mainly through facilitating online dowsing groups.
When Gwynn retired as a Senior Lecturer he moved to Devon in 2014, joined
Devon Dowsers and subsequently became Chairman stepping down in 2023.
This course aims to get you dowsing from the start and provides a practical
opportunity to try different dowsing tools such as rods and pendulums to
dowse both tangible (e.g. water pipes, drains) as well as intangible targets
(e.g. personal hydration, auras and earth energy lines).
You will gain:
• Some history of dowsing together with its uses over the years as well
as current applications
• An understanding of dowsing ethics
• Some methods to keep yourself protected
• An insight into how to focus your mind, get in the 'dowsing zone', set
intent, and how to ask for permissions
• Your own "Yes"/"No" code, to undertake information dowsing
• Some skills in using L rods and a pendulum
You will have the opportunity to dowse for the following:
• Flowing water, water pipes and drains
• Earth energy lines, their polarity and geopathic stress
• Personal hydration, the human aura, vitamin and mineral deficiencies
• Hidden objects
• Trees
Dowsing practice:
We will suggest some ways you can practise your dowsing skills and continue
learning more about dowsing.
Resources for the day:
• Bring your own rods and pendulums if you have them, or borrow/buy
ours. Our shop will be available where you can purchase both rods
and pendulums.
• Notes containing the course content will be emailed to you shortly after
you have completed the course.
Refreshments will be available throughout the day. Remember, to please
bring your own lunch.
Booking procedure:
• Email somersetdowsers@aol.com to enquire about availability and
reserve your place.
• Please wait until your reservation has been confirmed before making
your payment of £40 via BACS
BACS: please give your surname and GPW as the reference and pay:
Account: Somerset Dowsers
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account No : 65 41 28 79
Refunds: If you find you're unable to attend after payment, there is no
automatic refund unless the place can be refilled.
South Herefordshire Dowsers
David Exell
Email: secretary@shd.org.uk
Tel: 01531 63131
Tamar Dowsers
Updated January 2025
Tamar Dowsers, established in 2002 to explore and share the ancient art of dowsing, serves as a welcoming and connected community for both beginners and seasoned dowsers.
Based in the beautiful Tamar Valley, covering east towards Dartmoor and west towards Cornwall, the group delves into topics like earth energies, archaeology, health and spiritual dowsing.
Members gather regularly for discussions, workshops, and field trips, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration.
Meetings and Events
The group meets primarily at North Hill Village Hall, offering a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Upcoming events in early 2025 include:
January 26th: Talk on King Arthur’s Hall with Stuart Dow at North Hill Village Hall 2-4pm
February 16th: Workshop on Dowsing Protocols & Energy Hygiene, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
March 23rd: Workshop - Dowsing for Beginners, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
Details on future events, including engaging Zoom sessions with guest speakers, can be found on the Tamar Dowsers Diary of Events. Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/diary-of-events
How to Join
Membership is open to all dowsing enthusiasts.
Visit the Membership Details page for information on joining and annual membership amount.
Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/membership-details
Contacts and Community
The group is co-chaired by Alex Russell-Stoneham and Stuart Dow, who can be reached at tamardowsers@gmail.com.
Stay connected via the Tamar Dowsers Facebook Group for updates and community interactions.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/573811729717007/
For the latest news and insights, explore the Tamar Dowsers Blog and the Latest Newsletter. If you are interested in joining the Tamar Dowsers we look forward to welcoming you.Tamar Dowsers, established in 2002 to explore and share the ancient art of dowsing, serves as a welcoming and connected community for both beginners and seasoned dowsers.
Based in the beautiful Tamar Valley, covering east towards Dartmoor and west towards Cornwall, the group delves into topics like earth energies, archaeology, health and spiritual dowsing.
Members gather regularly for discussions, workshops, and field trips, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration.
February 16th: Workshop on Dowsing Protocols & Energy Hygiene, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
March 23rd: Workshop - Dowsing for Beginners, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
Details on future events, including engaging Zoom sessions with guest speakers, can be found on the Tamar Dowsers Diary of Events. Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/diary-of-events
How to Join
Membership is open to all dowsing enthusiasts.
Visit the Membership Details page for information on joining and annual membership amount.
Link: https://www.tamar-dowsers.org/membership-details
Contacts and Community
The group is co-chaired by Alex Russell-Stoneham and Stuart Dow, who can be reached at tamardowsers@gmail.com.
Stay connected via the Tamar Dowsers Facebook Group for updates and community interactions.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/573811729717007/
For the latest news and insights, explore the Tamar Dowsers Blog and the Latest Newsletter. If you are interested in joining the Tamar Dowsers we look forward to welcoming you.
Thames Valley Dowsers
Updated December 2024
Thames Valley Dowsers
Sue Scott Powell
Email: chair@Thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk
Website: Thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk
Tel: 01494 813214 (Mornings)
Thames Valley Dowsing Group is a Group, set up in 2004, of currently around 60 dowsers of various ages and abilities drawn from the areas Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Our group is largely interested in dowsing for healing , although we do have some who are keen to increase their knowledge of Earth Energies, so we try to provide a mixture of both.
The Group was founded and is Chaired by Sue Scott Powell, a health and house healing dowser of some 50 years’ dowsing experience.
We hold an annual teaching day in South Bucks and join up with other dowsing groups in the South West for shared zoom talks during the winter and arrange field trips and talks during the spring and summer months. Talks are held near Beaconsfield, Bucks.
Waverley Dowsers
Meets every second Friday at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming, Surrey GU7 3JB opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 (just turn up?) We open at 19.00 and hope to start by 19.30 with a break at 20.30 and end by 21.30; thrown out at 22.00 (free refreshments).
Westmorland Dowsers
Email the WD Admin Team - westmorlanddowsers23@gmail.com Website: https://sites.google.com/view/westmorland-dowsers/home
Wyvern Questers and Dowsers
Updated December 2024
See also the EVENTS section of this website for events January to March 2025.
We look forward to seeing you at our Yule Celebration on Monday December 16th and at our activities in 2025.
A special evening by storyteller Alex Crump, performance artist and illustrator.
With very best wishes for Yuletide and the year ahead
The next Wyvern Questers and Dowsers meeting is on Monday December 16th at our new venue,
The Village Inn,
Bell Lane, Liddington,
Nr Swindon, Wiltshire. SN4 0HE.
£5 (cash only) entry fee. Please be seated by 7.25pm for 7.30pm start.
Doors open 6.45pm to allow time to purchase drinks, chat and look at merchandise. If you are travelling some way and would like to eat before the meeting, it may be possible for the pub to offer a reduced selection of items from the usual menu.
We recommend that where possible, you phone Emma 01793 790314 to prebook as the pub is closed to the general public on Monday evenings.
We cordially invite you to celebrate Yule and the end of another fascinating year.