Local Dowsing Groups
Scroll down for a brief list of UK groups in alphabetical order. To visit a website or send an email, simply click the link and you'll be taken straight there.
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Bristol Dowsing Group
Rory Duff
Email: BristolDowsers@hotmail.com
Tel: 07748 734127
Cheltenham Dowsers
Ken Sheather, KenSheather@gmail.com
Tel: 01242 231231
Website: http://www.cheltenhamdowsers.weebly.com
Devon Dowsers
Gwynn Paulett
Email: Gwynnpaulett@gmail.com
Tel: 07730 520414
Dorset Dowsers
Angie Schweir, hambeld@aol.com
Dowsing Anglia
Stephen KA Dawson
Email: Dowsing.Anglia@gmail.com
Tel: 07899 814264
Gower Investigations and Dowsing Group
Richard Fry, dickfry@btinternet.com
Tel: 07967 590460
Hampshire Archaeology
Website: https://www.HADS.uk
Webmaster : chris.sellen@ntlworld.com
Don Bryan, 59 Viking Way, Horndean, Hampshire PO8 0HT
International Association of Health Dowsers
Jane Court,
Email: healthdowsers@fastmail.fm
Website: https://healthdowsers.org
Leicestershire and Rutland Dowsers
Avril Holland
Email: landrdowsers@aol.com
Lewes Dowsing Group
Monthly meets in Lewes Town Hall (4th Thursday of the month, 10am-12pm)
Contacts: dowsingeastsussex@gmail.com & andrewredgar@gmail.com
London and Thameside Dowsers
John Baker
Email: j.baker864@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.londondowsers.org
Tel: 01322 525 975
Malvern Dowsers
Malvern Dowsers
We are a vibrant group of dowsing explorers with a programme of talks, workshops and site visits during 2024. Some of our dowsing highlights this year include Maria Wheatley talking about the ‘Priests of the Stones’, Phil Cope on ‘ Borderlands to another world’ and Veda Austin’s talk and book signing, ‘Living Language of Water’. For full details of our busy programme visit www.malverndowsers.com and our social media, Facebook and Instagram @malverndowsers.
Monthly meetings with live speakers and activities are held on the third Wednesday of the month at Christchurch church hall in Avenue Road, Great Malvern WR14 3AY at 7 p.m. Malvern Dowsers also run members' Zoom sessions (speakers and interactive tuition).
Middlesex & Surrey Archaeological Dowsing (MASAD)
Run by Keith Harmon
Email: nrgft@hotmail.com
Tel: 07538 363467
Norfolk and Suffolk Dowsers
Sue Pine
Norfolk and Suffolk Dowsers | Facebook
Ridings Dowsers
Mike Barwell
Email: mtbarwell@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.ridingsdowsers.com
Tel: 078604 59650
Slimbridge Dowsing Group
Paul Syrett
Email: paulsyrett@icloud.net
Tel: 07836 588027
Somerset Dowsers
Yvette Milliner
Email: yviern@icloud.com
South Herefordshire Dowsers
David Exell
Email: secretary@shd.org.uk
Tel: 01531 63131
Sussex Dowsers
David Charman
Email: EnergyViewing@gmail.com
07754 780553
Tamar Dowsers
Nigel Twinn
Email: alifedivined@posteo.net
Tel: 01822 612403
Thames Valley Dowsers
Sue Scott Powell
Email: chair@Thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk
Website: Thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk
Tel: 01494 813214
Usual meeting place is at Jordans Quaker Centre, Nr. Beaconsfield , Bucks, and most field trips, which are held in the summer, are based in South Buckinghamshire and East Oxfordshire.
Trencrom Dowsers (West Cornwall)
Jill Moss
Website: mossinthewoods@btopenworld.com
Tel: 01736 740093
Waverley Dowsers
Meets every second Friday at the Unitarian Hall in Godalming, Surrey GU7 3JB opposite the Texaco Garage on the A3100 (just turn up?) We open at 19.00 and hope to start by 19.30 with a break at 20.30 and end by 21.30; thrown out at 22.00 (free refreshments).
Westmorland Dowsers
Email: Write to WD AdminTeam - westmorlanddowsers23@gmail.com Website: https://sites.google.com/view/westmorland-dowsers/home