Events List
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Tamar Dowser Meetings and Events
Tamar Dowsers, established in 2002 to explore and share the ancient art of dowsing, serves as a welcoming and connected community for both beginners and seasoned dowsers.
Based in the beautiful Tamar Valley, covering east towards Dartmoor and west towards Cornwall, the group delves into topics like earth energies, archaeology, health and spiritual dowsing.
Members gather regularly for discussions, workshops, and field trips, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration.
Meetings and Events
The group meets primarily at North Hill Village Hall, offering a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Upcoming events in early 2025 include:
January 26th: Talk on King Arthur’s Hall with Stuart Dow at North Hill Village Hall 2-4pm
February 16th: Workshop on Dowsing Protocols & Energy Hygiene, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
March 23rd: Workshop - Dowsing for Beginners, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
Details on future events, including engaging Zoom sessions with guest speakers, can be found on the Tamar Dowsers Diary of Events. Link:
How to Join
Membership is open to all dowsing enthusiasts.
Visit the Membership Details page for information on joining and annual membership amount.
Contacts and Community
The group is co-chaired by Alex Russell-Stoneham and Stuart Dow, who can be reached at
Stay connected via the Tamar Dowsers Facebook Group for updates and community interactions.
For the latest news and insights, explore the Tamar Dowsers Blog and the Latest Newsletter. If you are interested in joining the Tamar Dowsers we look forward to welcoming you.Tamar Dowsers, established in 2002 to explore and share the ancient art of dowsing, serves as a welcoming and connected community for both beginners and seasoned dowsers.
Based in the beautiful Tamar Valley, covering east towards Dartmoor and west towards Cornwall, the group delves into topics like earth energies, archaeology, health and spiritual dowsing.
Members gather regularly for discussions, workshops, and field trips, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration.
February 16th: Workshop on Dowsing Protocols & Energy Hygiene, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
March 23rd: Workshop - Dowsing for Beginners, led by Alex Russell-Stoneham
Details on future events, including engaging Zoom sessions with guest speakers, can be found on the Tamar Dowsers Diary of Events. Link:
How to Join
Membership is open to all dowsing enthusiasts.
Visit the Membership Details page for information on joining and annual membership amount.
Contacts and Community
The group is co-chaired by Alex Russell-Stoneham and Stuart Dow, who can be reached at
Stay connected via the Tamar Dowsers Facebook Group for updates and community interactions.
For the latest news and insights, explore the Tamar Dowsers Blog and the Latest Newsletter. If you are interested in joining the Tamar Dowsers we look forward to welcoming you.
Dowsing Foundation Course and Geopathic Stress Course
by Peter Stott
Dowsing Foundation Course and Geopathic Stress Course
This one-day course gives an introduction to dowsing for beginners, or a refresher for those who can already dowse but would like to learn new techniques to help with their dowsing.
We will cover the use of 4 basic dowsing tools and techniques :
Grounding and protection
Dowsing applications
Ethics and practical demonstrations and exercises
Questioning techniques
The dates of the Foundation courses are as follows:
23 February 2025 Sunday
6 April 2025 Sunday
21 June 2025 Saturday
16 August 2025 Saturday
11 October 2025 Saturday
This dowsing course follows the curriculum of the British Society of Dowsers and is ideal for the novice or beginner, providing a thorough overview of the possibilities of dowsing plus techniques and tools. It provides an excellent first step in the development of dowsing skills.
There will be a one hour Zoom follow up meeting one week after the course to answer any questions that may have arisen after the course, and to exchange any experiences and findings as a result of what has been learnt.
Geopathic Stress Course - Causes, Consequences and Cures
Geopathic Stress is an imbalance in the Earth's natural resonant field and has been found to be a contributory factor in many forms of illness.
Dowsing enables us to identify areas of harmful Geopathic Stress and this Course will take you through the steps to identify and harmonise these detrimental energies to improve health and wellbeing for friends and family.
We will cover the following :
Nature of Geopathic Stress - its causes and effects
Grounding and Protection
Detection using Dowsing methods
Treatment techniques
Practical Demonstrations
Practice of techniques and much more
Geopathic Stress Courses
3 May 2025 Saturday
20 September 2025 Saturday
1 November 2025 Saturday
This is an intermediate level course which follows the curriculum of the British Society of Dowsers and is not for beginners.
The two courses:
Both of the above courses are taught by BSD Registered Tutor and Professional Dowser Peter Stott.
The courses start at 10am and finish at 4:30pm and are held in Ettington, just South of Stratford upon Avon.
The cost of each Course is £85 for BSD Members and £95 for non-members.
The contact for both courses is Peter Stott at
Email:, and
Phone: 07989 675 971
January 2025
Lewes Dowsers Events
In January 2025 we will being a series of meetings devoted to archaeological dowsing. Anyone who can conveniently get to the meetings is welcome. You don’t have to live in Lewes to join us.
Lewes dowsers are run under the auspices of Lewes U3A, and the group is led by Grace and Andrew Edgar. We meet on the last Thursday of the month, 10 to 12, in Lewes Town Hall.
To join the group, you must be a member of Lewes U3A (and for details of joining, see
23rd February 2025
Somerset Dowsers Event
Introduction to Dowsing Course
Sunday 23rd February 2025, 10am for 10.30am - 4pm
Creech St Michael Village Hall, Ryesland Way, TA3 5QQ
Numbers limited to 18
Cost £40
Booking procedure:
• Email to enquire about availability and
reserve your place.
• Please wait until your reservation has been confirmed before making
your payment of £40 via BACS
BACS: please give your surname and GPW as the reference and pay:
Account: Somerset Dowsers
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account No : 65 41 28 79
Refunds: If you find you're unable to attend after payment, there is no
automatic refund unless the place can be refilled.
Gower Investigations and Dowsing Group Meetings and Events
Programme for 2025
January – Indoor training (map dowsing using OS Maps plus Google Earth).
February – Zoom talk by Dr. Nick Haywood
March – Field Trip to Oystermouth Castle, Mumbles, Swansea
Meeting: every second Sunday at Friends of the Young Disabled, 300 Carmarthen Road, Cwmbwrla, Swansea, SA5 8NJ.
Please check with the organisers beforehand. We welcome all abilities and interests. Dowsing tools are available.
Richard Fry
Sue Mann
The British Society of Dowsers YouTube Channel
Earth Energies Zoom Meetings
This is a friendly group of dowsers, with an interest in Earth Energies, who get together on zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm.
Usually a member or an invited speaker will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.
The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.
We have a website at
If you would like to join us, please send us your name and email address. We will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notices or presentations that are circulated to participants. Write to...
The new Wyvern Dowsing Group by Emma
Wyvern Questers and Dowsers. Formerly Wiltshire Dowsers.
Our new venue is at :
The Village Inn,
Bell Lane, Liddington,
Nr Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 0HE.
Usually a £5 (cash only) entry fee. Please be seated by 7.25pm for 7.30pm start. Doors open 6.45pm to allow time to purchase drinks, chat and look at merchandise.
If you are travelling some way and would like to eat before the meeting, it may be possible for the pub to offer a reduced selection of items from the usual menu.
We recommend that where possible, you phone Emma on 01793 790314 to prebook, as the pub is closed to the general public on Monday evenings.